Parenting Tips
Baby Care: Spit-Up Happens! How To Get It Out

1. The it’s-worked-for-eons method. Laundry stain sticks and sprays are modern-day miracles, but in a pinch try this: Dab (don’t rub) the big blobs of spit-up with a burp cloth or sponge. Then dip a wet washcloth in baking soda and blot the stain.
2. The au-naturale method. A little lemon juice and plain old sunshine bleach out spit-up stains. "If I’ve washed something and there’s still a trace of spit-up," says Christina Poston, a mother of one in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, "I squeeze lemon juice on it and let it dry in the sun. It always works. I just don’t use it on anything dark because it’ll fade it."
3. The always-good-in-an-emergency method. It’s guaranteed to happen at least once (or 10 times): Baby spits up all over you when you’re out and about. This is where baby wipes come in handy…for you. I always have wipes on me—they’re pretty much surgically attached to my hands these days—so I just use them remove spit-up from clothes," says Lisa Smith, a mother of two in Houston, TX. "Wipes take it up easy and leave no smell."
4. The oops-let-me-get-that-for-you method: So the relatives stop by to meet your little sweetie for the first time. He coos, he smiles, he belches, he spits up all over Uncle Joe’s shoulder. No worries: People understand it’s one of those things that babies do. Simply grab a wipe or washcloth and dab the mess. Humor helps. Laugh and say something like, "Oh, that’s just his way of showing affection," or "He’s prepping for his college years."