Parenting Tips
5 Fun Facts About Having a Summer Baby

My firstborn was a summer baby, born August 1st... and it was a really hot summer. But thanks to ice cream, air conditioning, breezy maternity sundresses and lots of time floating in my gym’s pool, I survived.
While you might think of the swelling, sweating and general discomfort that can come with being huge in the summer, there are actually many merits to having a summer baby. In fact, more babies are born in the summer than any other season.
So let’s hear it for summer babies! Here are some benefits to consider:
- The biggest plus of a summer baby is that you can take him or her out for fresh air, sunshine and Vitamin D without worrying about the germs, colds and flus of winter lurking behind every corner. I was one of those moms who took my baby out into the world immediately, though some stay indoors for a bit (listen to your doctor on that one). My husband or I strapped on the baby carrier and our newborn joined us for strolls in the park, shopping, even dining al fresco at our favorite neighborhood spot.
- Nice weather means it’s easier to get your daily exercise to help you lose your baby weight. Lots of walks mean the pounds will slip off quickly.
- At first your baby hardly needs to wear a thing because it's so hot. Forget bundling up your little one in layers and enduring comments from strangers that you’re not dressing your baby warmly enough. My son spent his first month wearing only a onesie. So much so that the first time I tried to put long sleeves on him he freaked out. (“What’s this mom?” I can imagine him thinking.)
- If you’re taking maternity leave, what better time than during the summer months to be off work? If baby is born near the beginning of the season, by the end you can have him or her at the beach or dipping tiny toes into a swimming pool. And during those warm months, you get to enjoy some time lazing around outdoors while baby is napping in the shade of a cool tree.
- Thinking ahead…outdoor birthday parties are another bonus. Forget renting an indoor venue, we held our son’s birthday parties in the park year after year. Of course, you may have to worry about rain, but having the outdoor or backyard option is a great advantage for a bunch of rowdy toddlers. Trust me, you'll appreciate them running wild outdoors instead of messing up your living room!
By Bethany Kandel