Conseils de santé
4 Tips on Visiting the Doctor with Baby

Below are my top tips for preparing for your pediatrician appointments!
1. Make It a Guessing Game - Each time we are on our way to his appointment, my husband and I make a game out of guessing his weight, height and head circumference. We record each of our guesses and the actual results. Right now my husband is in the lead! I love having our guesses recorded and his actual growth. This will also be a fun piece of information to add to his memory book.
2. Bring a Few "Extras" - Babies are messy! We always bring an extra pair of clothes, a handful of diapers, and a cozy blanket to keep him warm while he's undressed.
3. Ask Your Questions - I don't know about you, but every-time I visit a doctor I always seem to forget the questions I wanted to ask! Before arriving to our appointments with him, my husband and I write out any questions we might have so we can be sure to ask the doctor and not forget.
4. Record - For the overload of tips, advice and suggestions we receive from the doctor, we always try to make it a habit of recording notes on our cell phones. Matter of fact, our guessing game thoughts, questions and notes all go in one place on my phone so everything is together and easy to reference when needed.
By Savannah Wallace, Disney Baby