8 Months Pregnant

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You're so close and you've done amazingly well so far. Somewhere in the next few weeks your little one will be safely in your arms.

You might be feeling like you couldn’t possibly get any bigger. The good news is, at this late stage in your pregnancy weight gain generally slows down. Even though you may be feeling constantly uncomfortable, have faith that after your baby is born your body will be on its way to recovery.

Labor is getting close, and your body will slowly start to prepare itself for the big event. Know that even if you have a strong idea about how your labor will go, try to keep an open mind. There are several factors that can impact where and how you birth your baby.

You at 8 months pregnant

It's common for women to experience severe hip and lower-back pain at eight months pregnant. This is because the ligaments and tendons around your pelvis relax and soften to allow your pelvic bones and joints to make way for your growing uterus. Your baby will also need the extra room to travel through the birth canal. Another common symptom this month is persistent tingling or numbness down your sciatic nerve that runs from your lower back down the back of each leg. This condition is called sciatica and it's due to your uterus putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. Don’t be alarmed, though. It's perfectly normal and the sensation will subside. You may also start to experience some contractions. Not all types of contractions signal that your baby is on the way though. Braxton Hicks contractions simply prepare your body (and mind) for labor. If you have a contraction, sit down, try to relax, and have a glass of water. They should subside. If your contractions persist for more than an hour or two, you should call your healthcare professional.

Your baby at 8 months pregnant

If you go into labor this month, don’t panic too much. Almost all babies born at eight months or later survive and go on to have very healthy, normal lives. Your little one might just need a bit of help breathing, as their lungs won’t have fully matured yet. If you're still waiting for the big arrival, your baby will be preparing for birth. Your baby should be positioned with their head sitting above your cervix. Almost all babies adopt this position and those who don’t could be in breech position. Breech babies are positioned upright with their feet or buttocks above the cervix. In this case, you might need a C-section, but your healthcare professional may be able to manually maneuver your baby to the correct position.

Things to think about

At this stage in your pregnancy, it can be hard to find motivation to do anything other than lie down and put your feet up. If you can, try to tick off these simple tasks with your partner to help you prepare for the big day:
  • Exercise. It may be the last thing on your mind but going for a gentle walk everyday will help to relieve aches and pains.
  • Read up. Familiarize yourself with the signs of labor.
  • Ease up at work. If you're still working, consider proposing to work from the comfort of your own home a day or two a week leading up to your scheduled maternity leave.
You're so close to holding your little one! Savor this precious time and track your pregnancy week by week with Huggies.
Kimberly-Clark US makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.