What is Diaper Need?

As a parent there is one thing you can certainly count on – you will go through many, many diapers in the first few years of your child’s life. A clean, fresh diaper is not a luxury item; it is a necessity. Unfortunately, one-in-three U.S. families are currently in diaper need, or struggle to provide enough diapers to keep their baby healthy, dry and happy.
In 2011, Huggies became the founding sponsor of the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN). Diaper banks help address diaper need by collecting, storing and distributing diapers to families experiencing financial hardship. While they range in size and scope, local diaper bank programs obtain diapers through local diaper drives, in-kind donations, and purchases of diapers with donated funds. This can be particularly important during times of crisis, as we’ve seen recently with the hurricanes that have struck the U.S.
The National Diaper Bank Network has grown from 40 to more than 300 diaper banks since 2011. Since then, Huggies has provided ongoing support for the organization and has donated more than 200 million diapers and baby wipes.
You can also make a difference to fellow parents and children around the country by supporting a local diaper bank or the national organization.
Here are some ways you can help:
- Support the National Diaper Bank Network and its member diaper bank programs by making a monetary contribution at nationaldiaperbanknetwork.org.
- Visit a local diaper bank or even host a diaper drive with your neighborhood, school or local organization.
- Huggies enables its rewards members interested in contributing to donate their Huggies Rewards Points to the National Diaper Bank Network by redeeming points for Charity in the Fetch app
In partnership with families and the National Diaper Bank Network, we can help support families in diaper need by helping provide enough fresh diapers to keep their children clean, dry and healthy every step of the way.