How to Get Pregnant
How to Get Pregnant Quickly

Reasons why getting pregnant quickly may be important
- Maternal age. As women get older, conceiving naturally becomes more difficult.
- Wanting to have children close together in ages.
- Work commitments. For some women, taking extended time off work is unrealistic.
- A strong emotional drive to conceive and have a baby.
- Medical reasons for getting pregnant may have been a recommendation. Some genetic disorders are more common in older couples.
- When a partner works away from home and the option of leaving conception to chance is not feasible.
- Personal reasons such as finances, housing, and pressure from extended family, though the latter is never a good reason to conceive.
What helps women get pregnant faster?
If you want to get pregnant faster, then look after yourself. This may sound pretty basic but it’s one of those strategies which is often overlooked. Look after your general health and well-being. Working too hard, skipping meals, not getting enough rest or sleep all contribute to elevated stress levels which can potentially affect ovulation. Other helpful tips:- Make sure you and your partner are within a healthy weight range. Being overweight or obese won’t help your chances of getting pregnant.
- Have regular sex. Without question, this is the number one way to get pregnant. Irregular, infrequent, or sporadic sex automatically reduces the chances of conception. Aim to have sex every 2-3 days which will boost your odds.
- Stop using all methods of contraception. If you have been taking the oral contraceptive pill, or have had contraceptive injections or implants, then you may find it takes a few months after they have been ceased for your regular cycles of ovulation to return to normal.
- Be open-minded and not too prescriptive about your life. You may need to change plans to have sex when you are most fertile. Not everything can be planned for, and spontaneity is an important strategy when wanting to get pregnant faster.
- You and your partner may benefit by having a medical check-up. Gaining reassurance and getting the all-clear from your primary care provider will help to confirm for you that your body is ready to support conception and pregnancy.
- Aim to have sex when you are about to ovulate, not afterwards. Sperm can live up to 5 days after it has left the man’s body, but ideally the woman’s egg needs to be fertilized within 12 to 24 hours after she has ovulated. You may want to keep an ovulation chart in order to track your cycle.
- Learn about your body and how it works. There are some excellent books and web-based sites available which specialize in male and female reproduction.
- Relax about conceiving. If sex becomes a chore and just a means to an end, then it won’t be enjoyable for you or your partner. Keep it in perspective and maintain your sense of humor. It can take months to conceive so don’t burn out too quickly. Remember, getting pregnant can be more of a marathon than a sprint for many couples.
- Think about using an ovulation testing kit. There is some disagreement about how effective these are, but it won’t hurt to use one. Some women claim they benefit from the secondary gain of the kits helping them to become more familiar with their body’s cycles. The kits work by detecting changes in hormones which occur just before ovulation.
- Avoid smoking cigarettes and taking any illicit drugs. Excessive amounts of alcohol, caffeine and over the counter medications can impact how quickly you could get pregnant. If you are taking prescription medication, then talk with your prescribing provider about whether you need to go off it or if it is safe to continue taking it.
- Don’t be in too much of a hurry to stand up after you’ve had sex. There may be benefits to staying in a lying down flat position for 30 minutes or so after you’ve finished. Whether this helps with conception because it helps the semen to stay inside the vagina for longer is open to debate. But it can’t hurt, either.
- Have sex in the mornings if you have a choice. Some research supports the theory that sperm levels are slightly higher first thing in the morning when compared to evenings or other times of the day.
- Avoid using saliva or plain water as lubricants. Both can have an adverse effect on sperm numbers.
What can men do to help speed things up?
- Men need to follow a healthy diet. Zinc is an important nutrient which helps to support healthy sperm function. Seafood, green leafy vegetables, eggs, fruits, and cereals all need to regularly feature in a man’s diet. Avoid smoking or taking illicit drugs. Being in a healthy weight range also helps your chances of conception.
- It’s important that men do not allow their testicles to overheat. Wearing tight underwear, sitting in a hot bath or spa, and wearing tight trousers will all influence the numbers of sperm which you are producing. The reason why the testicles are located where they are is because they need to be kept at a cooler temperature than the rest of your body. He may want to consider wearing boxer shorts rather than briefs if you’re really eager to get pregnant more quickly.
- Conserve your semen for sex. It takes time for sperm levels to build up again after ejaculation which is why having sex more than once a day isn’t thought to help boost the chances of conceiving.
- Share the responsibility of getting pregnant. Don’t view your role in the baby making business as being over once the sex has finished. Keep the romance alive and show genuine concern and willingness to be involved. This makes a huge difference in reducing any anxiety you both may be feeling.
Other tips to help get pregnant faster
Aside from the physical aspects of boosting conception, it is also worth thinking about the emotional side of your relationship. Taking the time to be considerate with each other helps to support a regular and healthy sex life. If you feel your interest in each other is flagging, then try:- Doing something different. It can be very easy to let the goal of getting pregnant eclipse everything else in life. Keep some perspective on your life. Balance is the key to a happy life.
- Go away, enjoy a change of scenery and be adventurous. Many couples report their success with baby-making came about when they had a break from their usual routine.
- Be kind to each other and yourself. Small acts of thoughtfulness like making a meal, buying each other a treat, offering a massage, or encouraging a sleep-in count for a lot.
- Some couples report that positive visualization helps them to conceive. ‘Seeing’ the baby and creating welcoming, positive vibes won’t hurt.
- Don’t feel you need to tell the world you’re trying to conceive. This can cause couples to feel they’re under the spotlight and pressured. Know when to be discrete and keep some information to just yourselves.
- Avoid viewing sex as a means to an end.
The information of this article has been reviewed by nursing experts of the
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment. For more advice from AWHONN nurses, visit Healthy Mom&Baby at