Pregnancy by Week
16 Weeks Pregnant
3 min. Read

If you fit into a higher-risk category of having a baby with chromosomal problems, you may be offered a CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) test or, an amniocentesis. It’s possible to have a CVS before 12 weeks, though it is generally done between weeks 11-14. Amniocentesis is usually performed between 15-18 weeks of pregnancy, though can be done later. Both tests require an ultrasound at the same time, to check exactly where the placenta and the baby are positioned.
Now that you're in your second trimester, you will be entering a more practical, down to earth stage of your pregnancy. At 16 weeks pregnant, look for your energy to return and being able to focus on things other than how tired you feel. Now is the time to investigate your maternity leave, and to plan how you’ll manage if you need to drop your income.
This is also the time to do your research into childcare if you think you’ll need it. Although this may seem early, spaces at many centers are limited and often have long waiting lists. You may also want to start thinking about room allocation - which room will be the nursery? Will the baby need to share with a sibling? All these factors take time to consider.
16 weeks pregnant symptoms
The fundus, or top or your uterus, will be around 6 inches from your pubic bone. This means your 16 weeks pregnant belly may be starting to show. Your gums may be sensitive and bleed easily when you brush or floss your teeth. Change your toothbrush regularly and use a soft bristled brush. Brush twice a day and floss. Brush the back of your tongue, this is where decay causing bacteria breed. Make sure you have at least one dental check-up during your pregnancy. Gum disease is one of the risk factors for premature labor and a low-birth-weight baby. You might still be prone to constipation. Water, fruits, vegetables, grain-based cereals, and exercise are all naturally effective remedies. You’re likely to have an increase in your vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, discharge is usually milky white or clear, but unless it causes itching or smells, don’t be concerned. Mucous producing cells in your vagina play a protective role against infection. Sharp twinges of pain and cramping for a 16-weeks pregnant belly are not uncommon. Ligaments and muscles supporting the uterus are getting a workout. Try not to move suddenly and avoid standing for long periods. Having a baby can bring about changes in a woman’s relationship with her own parents. You may find yourself reflecting on your own childhood. These reflections are completely normal, demonstrating the significance of parenting.16 weeks pregnant baby changes
This week your baby can make sideways eye movements. Though its eyelids are still sealed for protection, the muscles controlling the eyes are starting to work. When bright light shines through your abdominal wall the baby will scrunch up their eyes. At 16 weeks your baby can hear. Studies have shown babies who are accustomed to music during pregnancy respond positively to the same sounds after they’re born. Your baby is moving a lot this week. Unless you’ve been pregnant before, you may still be unaware. This week your baby can open its mouth and move its tiny lips. There’s lots of practicing with breathing and swallowing movements, so that amniotic fluid is constantly being cycled through your baby’s body. This week your 16-week fetus has probably found its umbilical cord and is holding on. Don’t worry that their grip is tight enough to restrict blood flow. Your baby will let go before there’s any risk of that happening.Tips for 16 weeks pregnant
Get It’s advised that you get your flu vaccine if you’re pregnant in autumn/winter. The influenza vaccine is safe and recommended in pregnancy. Consider taking a series of pregnancy photos so you can see how your 16-week pregnant belly grows in the next few months. This will be a nice keepsake and you’ll be glad you did. Video diaries are also a cute way of tracking pregnancy and the way it progresses. Tell your older children about the baby and show them your 16-week pregnant belly. This will help them to prepare and build a sense of connection with their new sibling. Don’t forget the sun block. Melanin in your skin will be making your freckles and moles a bit darker. Most sun blocks are safe to use during pregnancy and won’t harm you or your baby. Look for one which protects against both UVA (the aging rays) and UVB (the burning rays).FAQ
How much water is around my baby at 16 weeks pregnant? Although there’s only a cup or so of fluid surrounding your baby, it’s enough for protection and support. At 16 weeks pregnant is being obsessed with thoughts of the baby common? Being focused on the baby is a common 16-week pregnant symptom. This is nature’s way of preparing for a baby.
The information of this article has been reviewed by nursing experts of the
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment. For more advice from AWHONN nurses, visit Healthy Mom&Baby at