Stages of pregnancy
Pregnancy by Week
Pregnancy Week by Week and Month by Month
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Pregnancy by Week
1 Week Pregnant: As exciting as this sounds, the reality of being 1 week pregnant isn't all that wonderful. 2 Weeks Pregnant: It is still not time to get too excited about your pregnancy just yet. 3 Weeks Pregnant: Congratulations, you are now officially pregnant. 4 Weeks Pregnant: It’s implantation time! This week the embryo, which is now called a blastocyst, has found its way to the uterus, and is looking for a suitable place to nestle in for the next 36 weeks… 5 Weeks Pregnant: By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, you may be getting very suspicious there is something going on. 6 Weeks Pregnant: This is the time to take a pregnancy test if you think you could be pregnant but still aren’t sure. 7 Weeks Pregnant: You are now officially just over halfway through your first trimester. 8 Weeks Pregnant: You are two months pregnant. 9 Weeks Pregnant: You are now officially in the last month of your first trimester. 10 Weeks Pregnant: From the time you are 10 weeks pregnant until your baby is considered full term, most of your baby s changes will be targeted towards their growth and maturity. 11 Weeks Pregnant: The end of your first trimester is truly in sight. 12 Weeks Pregnant: You’ve almost made it through your first trimester. 13 Weeks Pregnant: By the time you are 13 weeks pregnant, you are rapidly closing in on the end of your first trimester. 14 Weeks Pregnant: This is the first week of your second trimester, which is the trimester a lot of women find to be the most comfortable of the three. 15 Weeks Pregnant: This week your baby weighs a little less than 3.5 ounces. 16 Weeks Pregnant: By the time you are 16 weeks pregnant, you have had a couple of prenatal appointments. 17 Weeks Pregnant: At 17 weeks pregnant, your center of gravity is changing. 18 Weeks Pregnant: This should be an exciting week for you if you have your 18 to 20 week scan set up. 19 Weeks Pregnant: You’re almost halfway through your pregnancy. 20 Weeks Pregnant: Congratulations, you are now officially halfway through your pregnancy. 21 Weeks Pregnant: Finding it hard to sleep on your tummy? This is because you can't ignore the rather big lump which is forming in your middle. 22 Weeks Pregnant: Your baby is becoming more and more responsive. 23 Weeks Pregnant: Having any weird and wonderful dreams yet? It is common in the second trimester of pregnancy to have some amazing and vivid dreams. 24 Weeks Pregnant: If you catch sight of yourself in the mirror this week, you might see a more rounded version of your usual self. 25 Weeks Pregnant: You are almost six months into your pregnancy. 26 Weeks Pregnant: At 26 weeks of pregnancy, you are entering into your sixth calendar month of pregnancy. 27 Weeks Pregnant: Oh baby, it’s getting a little cramped in there. 28 Weeks Pregnant: Welcome to the first week of your third and final trimester. 29 Weeks Pregnant: Your belly is leading the way—it has probably become difficult for you to ignore it. 30 Weeks Pregnant: The countdown has almost begun. 31 Weeks Pregnant: This can be a special time in your pregnancy as you think about what’s to come. Maybe you have started on the nursery or buying clothes. 32 Weeks Pregnant: At 32 weeks pregnant, you are now entering the eighth month of your pregnancy, with just 2 more months to go. 33 Weeks Pregnant: It’s getting harder to forget you are pregnant now. 34 Weeks Pregnant: It’s getting harder to get around and maintain your usual activities at 34 weeks of pregnancy. 35 Weeks Pregnant: You are getting close to the last month of your pregnancy now. 36 Weeks Pregnant: You’re getting close now. 37 Weeks Pregnant: You are getting so close to having your baby. 38 Weeks Pregnant: You feel and look like a ripe peach this week. 39 Weeks Pregnant: Still pregnant? If this is your first baby the chances are high you will not give birth on your due date and, in fact, you are more likely to go a little overdue. 40 Weeks Pregnant: You are there, you’ve made it. 41 Weeks Pregnant: You’re probably short tempered even with your own shadow this week, waiting in anticipation for "D" day. 42 Weeks Pregnant: Being overdue to have a baby means different things to people.Pregnancy by Month
Whether your home pregnancy test is positive, or your doctor has just confirmed it, congratulations - you’re officially pregnant! You are at the beginning of an incredible journey. 1 Month Pregnant: You probably are not yet aware you are pregnant. 2 Months Pregnant: It's still early days but congratulations on making it to your second month of pregnancy. 3 Months Pregnant: You are officially at the end of your first trimester! 4 Months Pregnant: Welcome to your second trimester of pregnancy. 5 Months Pregnant: This month you'll really start to feel your little one’s presence in your uterus. 6 Months Pregnant: If you are starting to feel more stressed or anxious than you have been during your pregnancy, don’t worry. It is normal at six months pregnant. 7 Months Pregnant: You're on the home stretch. 8 Months Pregnant: You're so close and you've done amazingly well so far. 9 Months Pregnant: You've made it.Pregnancy by Trimester
Congratulations, you're pregnant! If this is your first time, you're in for one hell of a ride! First Trimester: The first trimester of pregnancy covers between weeks 1 to 13, or the first three calendar months. Second Trimester: Welcome to your second trimester, which covers weeks 14 through 27 of your pregnancy. Third Trimester: You are probably feeling as if you’ve reached a significant milestone by this stage, during your 28 through 40 weeks of pregnancy. Fourth Trimester: Congratulations, your baby has finally arrived! The next few months are going to be very special as both you and your baby recover from birth and begin your lives together as a family.Ultrasounds and Scans
Most women will have at least one pregnancy ultrasound, either in very early stages of their pregnancy or at around 20 weeks of gestation. 6 Week Ultrasound: Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the world of pregnancy ultrasounds. 7 Week Ultrasound: It’s common for women to have a 7 week ultrasound and for many, it’s their first real look at their baby. 8 Week Ultrasound: An 8 week ultrasound can be both exciting and a bit scary. 9 Week Ultrasound: Every pregnant woman is offered ultrasound scans during pregnancy. 12 Week Ultrasound: If you have not yet had any type of pregnancy ultrasound and you are around 12 weeks pregnant, your maternity care provider may suggest you have one. 20 Week Ultrasound: It’s becoming increasingly uncommon for pregnant women to have their very first ultrasound at 20 weeks, though this used to be the first opportunity for most pregnant women. 2D Ultrasound: A 2D ultrasound is a medical procedure which is otherwise known as a scan. 3D Ultrasound: All types of ultrasounds are simple medical procedures which are otherwise known as scans. 4D Ultrasound: All types of ultrasounds are medical procedure otherwise known as scans. Dating Scan: A dating scan is an ultrasound done very early in pregnancy to check the baby’s development. Down Syndrome Test: Women are routinely offered prenatal testing to see if their baby is at an increased risk of having Down syndrome.5 key milestones in your first pregnancy
Being pregnant for the first time is one of the most eye-opening experiences a woman will go through. I’m what? Discovering you’re pregnant often brings with it a wave of conflicting emotions. Top Ten Embarrassing Questions Keeping open lines of communication between you and your provider will help you to relax and enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible. Baby Checklist There’s no time like the present to start getting organized for your new bundle of joy. Symptoms Before you even suspect you are pregnant, your body will have switched on changes to support the developing embryo. One of the more unusual symptoms of pregnancy can be a strange metallic taste in the mouth. Another of the classic symptoms of early pregnancy is nausea or morning sickness.
The information of this article has been reviewed by nursing experts of the
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment. For more advice from AWHONN nurses, visit Healthy Mom&Baby at