Baby Gender Predictor

The Chinese gender predictor is a powerful tool that has been used for hundreds of years. You might also know it as the Chinese birth chart, the Chinese pregnancy calendar or the Chinese birth calendar. Some claim it is accurate up to 90% of the time. While it’s not scientific, it’s definitely a fun tool to try to see what your outcome will be.
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NOTE: * The Chinese gender predictor is just for fun and is not a scientific proven method to predict the baby’s gender.

The history of the Chinese gender predictor

Originally found in ancient Beijing (then called Peking), the Chinese gender predictor is an actual, physical chart that was allegedly discovered in a royal tomb. Some reports say it’s 700 years old, while others say 300 years old. The reason the predictor exists is that in ancient times it was more desirable to have male heirs than female ones, so the ancient Chinese wanted to be able to predict when they’d have a boy rather than a girl.

The science of the Chinese gender predictor

While there’s no scientific evidence to back up the hypotheses the predictor puts forward, it can be fun to look at—especially if you already know your baby’s gender. Consider it harmless fun that is right at least 50% of the time.

It’s very simple: for the Huggies Gender Predictor, which is based on the Chinese gender predictor, you enter your age at conception, followed by the month in which you conceived. You don’t need to be as specific as the date of conception, which is good because conception is often a tricky thing to pinpoint, based on the first day of your last missed period and the length of your cycle, which can fluctuate.

If you are curious about your due date, you can head to the Huggies® Due Date Calculator. Just input the first day of your last period and cycle length, and it can let you know your due date (with the caveat that some babies come early and some come late!).

When you will know your baby’s gender

The only true way to know your baby’s gender is at the 20-week anatomy scan, or at during NIPT (noninvasive prenatal testing), which is a screening test that occurs somewhere between 10 weeks and 15 weeks. It is usually recommended for any mother who is over 35 (often called advanced maternal age or geriatric pregnancy) or anyone with a history of chromosomal abnormalities in their family. It is not a required test. A NIPT is a blood test meant as a screening to look for things like genetic abnormalities and chromosomal disorders, such as Down’s Syndrome. A benefit of the test is knowing the gender of your baby early.

Planning a pregnancy

Any mother can tell you that pregnancy is a wildly unpredictable period in your life, from conception to pregnancy to birth. So while it’s fairly difficult to have any sort of control over the pregnancy process at any point, the Chinese gender predictor could possibly help you plan out when to conceive in order to get the gender you desire. Try not to get your heart set too much on any one gender as you can’t truly predict the gender of your baby. Whichever gender your child ends up being, you will love him or her no matter what.